Southeast Asian Meal Photo by insatiablemunch

Southeast Asian Cuisine

Photo by insatiablemunch  An Introduction To Southeast Asian Cooking Southeast Asia is a cook’s paradise, and an eater’s as well. The food is truly art: tastes mingle with subtle complexity, and presentation is spectacular. The region stretches east from India and Bangladesh to the southern border of China, encompassing the mainland countries of Burma, Thailand, Cambodia, […]

Indian Food Photo by PublicDomainPictures

Indian Cuisine

Photo by PublicDomainPictures India is huge; its geography and climate ranges from the landlocked mountains around Kashmir, to the fertile Ganges river valley, to the arid Deccan plateau, to the steamy coastal regions around Goa and Madras. Her cooking is as varied as her land, and so, with apologies to the illimitable reality, here is […]

English Food

English Cuisine

English food, at least the idea of it,  has two very different sides in the imagination of the American culinary set. The first is the image of grey, boiled meat. In fact, boiled meat may well be the undeserved poster-boy of the loathed reputation for bland English food. The other side of British food, is […]

Italian Cuisine

Italian Cuisine

Italian Cooking Although Italy is now a cohesive, boot-shaped country, that wasn’t always the case. Once, Italy was little more than a collection of city-states constantly warring with one another. These city-states shared few cultural traditions and no common language. That changed in 1861, when the Italy of today was formed. Even so, the people […]

French Cuisine

French Cuisine

Despite a common pan-gallic chauvinism, French cooking is not a monolith: it ranges from the olives and seafood of Provence to the butter and roasts of Tours, from the simple food of the bistro to the fanciful confections of the Tour d’Argent. However, it all shares a seriousness about food. Throughout the country, French cooking […]

Mediterranean Food

Mediterranean Cuisine

Photo by lukasbieri Flavors of the Mediterranean The Mediterranean is the deep, blue heart that gives life to the countries that surround her. To speak of “Mediterranean Cooking” — to make one language describe the couscous and dried fruit of Morocco, an Egyptian breakfast of ful, cool yogurt soup from Syria, Greek octopus salads, Italian […]

chinese cuisine

Chinese Cuisine

Image courtesy of The huge land mass and deep history of China ripples through the enormously wide range of cuisine that is called Chinese food. For a foreigner to start to make sense of this is it useful to take the four major Chinese regions into account. There are Beijing and the Northern Plains, […]