
Cuisinenet All about us

Welcome to Cuisinenet.com, where foodies unite! This mouth-watering website is your one-stop-shop for all things food-related. From tasty recipes to cooking tips, and even restaurant reviews, we’ve got you covered.

Hungry for some inspiration? Our recipe section is packed with delicious ideas that are sure to get your taste buds dancing. From classic comfort foods to exotic international cuisine, we’ve got something for everyone.

Taste the World One Bite at a Time

Feeling like a master chef already? Check out our cooking tips section, where you can learn new techniques and tricks to elevate your culinary skills to the next level. Who knows, maybe you’ll even impress your friends and family with your newfound expertise.

But wait, there’s more! Are you always on the hunt for the latest and greatest restaurants in town? Look no further than our restaurant review section, where we dish out the details on the hottest spots to satisfy your cravings.

So, whether you’re a seasoned pro in the kitchen or just starting out, Cuisinenet.com is the perfect place to indulge your love for all things food. Bon appetit!

Contributors & Staff

Simon Kemp

Staff Editor. Simon is a food lover and a writer and a lover not a fighter. Just like the song says, Ebony & Ivory , Yng & Yang, Food & Drink : What’s not to love? If you have any questions, you can use our contact page or email Simon directly at simonk@cuisinenet.com.

Past Contributors & Staff

Past Contributors

Julie Besonen
Julie Besonen has written about food and entertainment for Paper MagazinePlayboy and The New York Times, among other publications. She lives in New York City.

Keith Besonen
Keith Besonen is a home brewer and a home barbequer. He lives in Fayetteville, Arkansas.

Irena Chalmers
Irena Chalmers’ witty and well-informed commentary on American food trends has established her as a popular writer, lecturer, and keynote speaker on food-related topics. Her most recent book, The Great Food Almanac, was published by Collins San Francisco in the Fall of 1994, and won the 1995 Julia Childs Cookbook Award. Chalmers is a past-president of theIACP, International Association of Culinary Professionals and of Les Dames d’Escoffier. Her articles on food have been published in many newspapers and magazines, including:The New York TimesThe Los Angeles TimesFood & WineGourmet, and Epicurious. Chalmers is currently working on In Search of a Sustainable Cuisine: The Politics of World Hunger for The Earth Pledge Foundation.

Daryl Chen
Daryl Chen is a Senior Editor at Mademoiselle and can only hope she hasn’t rotted all her teeth with her research for “Cream Soda: A Love Story.”

Julian J. Clark
Julian Clark has been enjoying food and wine for most of his sixty years. He also enjoys gardening and the practice of psychiatry. All of the above are pursued in Brooklyn with frequent excursions to the other boroughs and Europe for the first two interests. He also has a collection of wines, cooking gadgets, and, as a consequence of the third mentioned avocation, aches and pains.

Melissa Clark
Melissa Clark writes about cuisine and other products of appetite. In addition to numerous restaurant reviews and features, she has authored five cookbooks. Clark was born and raised in New York City where she still lives today with her cat Emma.

Natalie B. Dohrmann
Natalie Dohrmann, staff writer: By joining the writing staff at CuisineNet, Natalie is trying, in some small way, to confront the tragic mishap that ended her promising career as a chef. At her debut in a lovely French restaurant in Santa Fe, she prepared to make the restaurant’s signature, mousse au chocolat. After separating each and every one of five dozen eggs, she carefully whipped up the yolks with a few cups of salt. Natalie is currently a graduate student living in Chicago.

Gavin Edwards
Gavin Edwards is a contributing editor at Details, where he writes on subjects ranging from body piercing to The X-Files. He is also the author of three collections of misheard lyrics: ‘Scuse Me While I Kiss This Guy: And Other Misheard Lyrics, and the forthcoming When a Man Loves a Walnut. Gavin lives in Brooklyn, invests in pork belly futures, and makes a mean corn chowder.

John Fischer
A graduate of both the Culinary Institute of America and Swarthmore College, Fischer is a manager at Carmine’s. He has held positions with Campagna, The Rainbow Room (where he was Wine Director), and the Hudson River Club. His career began at age 5, when he sampled Rheingold from his Flintstones glass, though after that it didn’t pick up again until he was in college.

Ted C. Fishman
Ted Fishman writes regularly for Harper’sPlayboyWorth Magazine and Chicago Magazine. In addition, he writes a food column called Breaking Bread for Chicago’s New City paper. He was a commodity trader for 8 years, lived in Indonesia for three years, and now looks for Indonesian restaurants wherever he goes.

Brenda Fowler
Brenda Fowler is a Chicago-based writer currently working on a book for Random House on the Iceman, the 5,300-year-old mummy found melting out of a glacier on the Austrian border in 1991. A former East Europe contributor to The New York Times and The New York Times Magazine, she now writes on archaeology and other topics for the Times.

Amy Graff
Amy Graff contributes to several food-related outlets including Au Juice magazine and OnlyGourmet.com. Currently, she is writing a garlic cookbook for the Garlic Survival Company based in San Francisco, California. When not typing away at her computer, Amy likes to be outside riding her mountain bike or running in the Oakland hills near her home.

Sallie Han
Sallie Han is a food and lifestyles writer at The Daily News in New York. She writes frequently on food and culture and can be reached at salliehan@juno.com.

Lynn Harris Lynn Harris is a standup comic and the author of He Loved Me, He Loves Me Not: A Guide to Fudge, Fury, Free Time, and Life Beyond the Breakup (also available shortly at the soon-to-be-launched http://www.breakupgirl.com). She dishes about dating, dining, sports, and women’s issues in Glamour, Ladies’ Home Journal, the New York Daily News, and others. Thus far, her healthiest and longest-lasting relationship has been with food.

Debra Jo Immergut
Debra Jo Immergut writes about new media and culture for the Wall Street Journal. She is the author of a collection of short fiction, Private Property, and is at work on a novel.

Marjorie Ingall
Marjorie Ingall is the author of The Field Guide to North American Males (Henry Holt). She has written for Food & WineMs.MademoiselleSassy and many other publications. She is usually cranky.

Jeremy H. Jeffers
Jeremy H. Jeffers earned a degree in French Literature from New York University. He loves to eat and travel and has worked as a cook, travel consultant, and freelance writer. He is currently the Lead Content Developer for CuisineNet’s Restaurant Central.

Jeff Kantrowitz
A journalist based in Cambridge, Mass., is CuisineNet’s New England correspondent. He has covered restaurants for Boston Magazine and written hundreds of articles as a Boston Globe local news correspondent.

Jim Leff
Jim Leff is a NYC-based food and drink writer who considers himself, above all, a chowhound.

Jeanne Martinet, a.k.a. Miss Mingle
Interviewed by Katie Couric on the Today Show and dubbed the “acid tongued queen of the New York Party scene” by the London Daily Mirror, Jeanne Martinet is the author of several books, including The Art of MinglingThe Faux Pas Survival Guide: The Fine Art of Removing Your Foot from Your Mouth; and Getting Beyond Hello: Miss Mingle’s Guide to Navigating the Nineties. Her latest book is Come-Ons, Comebacks and Kiss-Offs: Date Lines Every Woman Needs to Survive Her Search For the Holy Male.

Maureen McLane
A fellow at the Chicago Humanities Institute and a writer, has had essays and reviews appear recently in the Chicago TribuneChicago ReviewThe Midwesterner, as well as CuisineNet. After five years in Chicago, she is willing to consider the city her provisional home.

Victoria Rowan
Victoria Rowan is a New York City-based freelancer. She runs a monthly event series called Nights with VCR: Anti-TV Entertainment.

David Sarasohn
David Sarasohn thinks deep thoughts as an editorial writer and columnist at The Oregonian in Portland, and deeper ones as the newspaper’s restaurant critic.

Helene Siegel
Helene Siegel is a Los Angeles-based food writer and author of 32 cookbooks including 24 volumes in the Totally series of die-cut single subject cookbooks (GarlicChile PeppersChocolateCrabs, you name it). She is a contributor to the Los Angeles Times and Fine Cooking, and is the writer of Cooking with Too Hot Tamales and other cookbooks with Mary Sue Milliken and Susan Feniger. She doubles as an editor of Barbie story books.

Peter Struck
Peter Struck is a well-traveled sot who is also a writer and editor in pursuit of a doctorate in comparative literature. He and Lewis Lapham are currently editing a book about the end of the world for Time/Life.

Courtney Weaver
Courtney Weaver’s claim to fame is that she is a native San Franciscan. She’s also a freelance writer whose weekly columns on sex and dating can be followed in Salon. Food and sex being synonymous, her food writing has appeared in Restaurant HospitalityThe San Francisco Examiner, and Gentry Magazine.

Mary Elizabeth Williams
Mary Elizabeth Williams writes for SalonWiredThe Web, and other publications.

Sarah Williams
Sarah Williams is a food and entertainment writer living in New York.

Past Staff

Kam On Cheung
New Media Designer: After telling his mother that he would leave Hong Kong for the U.S. to study Computer Science, Kam registered for his first course at Queens College as a Fine Arts major. A year later, he decided that he would never earn a living and find a wife by studying fine arts. He started to learn computer graphics. Now, he can barely paint using a paint brush and he works on his computer at least 12 hours a day, which is about three times the amount of time he usually spends with his wife. His main goal for the coming year at Cuisinenet.com is not to get any fatter.

Joe Cravo
Technology Director. After a brief career as a film editor — six months to be exact — following graduation from NYU as a film studies major, Joe joined the Peace Corps. He spent the next two-and-a-half years teaching science and math at a rural secondary school in Swaziland, a country about the size of New Jersey nestled between South Africa and Mozambique. There he met his future wife, another Peace Corps volunteer stationed at the same site. Upon returning to the U.S., Joe once again enrolled at NYU. This time, he took a six week course in COBOL programming and landed a job as a computer programmer with Bankers Trust. Computers have provided him with a decidedly longer career than either film editing or teaching, Joe having worked at Bankers eight years before joining Cuisinenet.com.

Ana Deboo
Staff Researcher. Ana Deboo is a researcher and editor who has lived in Brooklyn for nearly 8 years now and suspects she has become too fond of the metropolis ever to move back to the Pacific Northwest, where she came from. When she is not sitting at her keyboard squinting at the screen, she practices making books from scratch. She hopes one day to be a bookbinder with a capital B.

Jeremy H. Jeffers
Lead Restaurant Content Developer. Jeremy earned a degree in French Literature from New York University. He loves to eat and travel and has worked as a cook, travel consultant, and freelance writer.

Amy Keyishian
Managing Editor. Amy has worked as a freelance writer and as an editor at a travel magazine. Her interest in food stemmed from excellent early training at her mother’s side. Now, she spends half her time cooking in her Brooklyn kitchen (which has no counter space whatsoever) and the other half of her time hunting for the world’s best sushi (the one thing her mother never made).

Kian Lam Kho
Founder. Before founding Cuisinenet.com, Kian developed and maintained the Money Market Trading System and supervised the development of a trade data broadcasting system at Bankers Trust. He also has worked as a computer analyst at Paine Webber, Inc. and Reynolds and Reynolds. Through it all, Kian has nurtured his great passion for food. Kian, with his masters degree in Aerospace Engineering from Boston University, is living proof that sometimes in this life it does take a rocket scientist. Kian has a popular Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/redcooking/ anda website at https://redcook.net

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