Galangal Photo by Ruth and Dave


Photo by Ruth and Dave  In Laos and Indonesia, Galangal is called “Blue Ginger”, in Thailand it is called “ka” or “kha” in , and Malaysia it is known as “lengkaus“. This root is a member of the ginger family and looks like ginger, but ginger may not be substituted for it. Both Persian and Southeast Asian […]

Indian Food Photo by PublicDomainPictures

Indian Cuisine

Photo by PublicDomainPictures India is huge; its geography and climate ranges from the landlocked mountains around Kashmir, to the fertile Ganges river valley, to the arid Deccan plateau, to the steamy coastal regions around Goa and Madras. Her cooking is as varied as her land, and so, with apologies to the illimitable reality, here is […]



Photo by tacowitte  Tamarind, the sweet and sour fruit of the tamarind tree, is native to Asia and northern Africa and is also grown in the Caribbean. Like lemon, tamarind brings an acidic zing to food. Tamarind, along with a host of other flavors, gives Worcestershire sauce its je ne sais quoi. Sometimes, tamarind seeds are […]

Coconut Milk

Coconut Milk

Photo by ewige  No, believe it or not, coconut milk — an indispensable ingredient in most Southeast Asian cooking — is not the liquid inside a coconut. It is made by soaking the grated flesh of a coconut in hot water or scalded milk, then straining the combination. Coconut milk is classified as thick, thin, or […]

A History oF The Restaurant

The History of Restaurants

A Timeline of The Restaurant The hospitality industry has existed since the beginning of Western culture. People have always been forced to travel for one reason or another, which means there has always been someone there to make money from travelers. Food, a bed, shelter from the storm – these are things people have always […]

English Food

English Cuisine

English food, at least the idea of it,  has two very different sides in the imagination of the American culinary set. The first is the image of grey, boiled meat. In fact, boiled meat may well be the undeserved poster-boy of the loathed reputation for bland English food. The other side of British food, is […]


The Saffron Story

The Greek legend goes like this: a gorgeous mortal named Crocos fell hard for the nymph Smilax. Smilax rebuffed Crocos’ overtures and – poof! – Crocos became a lovely purple flower, Crocus sativus. Saffron is the dried stigmas of these flowers. Prized from Italy to China for its pungent flavor and rich color, the painstaking process […]

The Michelin Guide

What is the Michelin Guide and What Do the Stars Mean?

Our guide to the Michelin Guide. This annual guidebook rates the best restaurants and hotels worldwide, using a rigorous evaluation process and anonymous inspectors. From one-star gems to three-star culinary masterpieces, the Michelin Guide is a must-read for any food lover looking for their next dining adventure. So, whether you’re a seasoned food critic or just looking for a new restaurant to try, the Michelin Guide has got you covered.

Claude Troisgros

Claude Troisgros

It never occurred to a young Claude Troisgros to question what he would be when he grew up. Cooking was in his blood. For three generations, the Troisgros family has provided France with some of its most innovative, most daring, and most renown chefs. Claude Troisgros’ grandfather Jean-Baptiste created an uproar in culinary circles when […]